
NEED TO KNOW: E-Receipt BIR RMO No. 24-2023

NEED TO KNOW: E-Receipt BIR RMO No. 24-2023
Published: July 7, 2023

The push for E-Invoicing and E-Receipt BIR is a priority project for the BIR, awaiting the compliance of the majority of Large Taxpayers. Let us summarize what the New BIR RMO No. 24-2023 is all about.

  • The BIR’s goal, according to Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No.24-2023, is to update the existing policies on existing Sales Machines/Softwares that generate E-Invoicing or E-Receipting under a Subscription-Based Agreement.
  • As Large Taxpayers are slowly integrating the use of E-invoice and E-receipt BIR into their processes, the BIR is also making the move to appoint the National Accreditation Board (NAB) as the policy-making body, with the Large Taxpayers Accreditation Board (LTAB) and Regional Accreditation Board (RAB) having the power to accept or reject such accreditation so more organizations can apply;
  • Establish a common format for reports created by the system, such as audit journals or electronic journals (e-Journal) generated by Sales Machines/Software.

In order to comply with the “Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018” (Republic Act [RA] No. 11032), the documentation requirements for applications for accreditation of “Sales Machines/Software” are pushed to be simplified, as is the establishment of a uniform processing time.

E-Receipt BIR

Now let us put the highlights of the new policies and guidelines from RMO No. 24-2023 that concern E-Receipt BIR in simple terms:

  • First, Special Purpose Machines such as ATMs, Cash Depository machines, Foreign Exchange machines, Ordering machines, Bills Payment machines, Price Checking machines, Inventory checking and maintenance machines, Lottery Terminal/Ticketing Machine, and other special purpose machines are required to be accredited with the BIR using the Enhanced eAccReg System facility.

Secondly, receipts produced by these SPMs are now only to be used for internal purposes and considered only as Supplementary Invoice/Receipts-making E-Receipt BIR the official receipt.

  • The Sales Machine/Software must be tamper-free and contain the following features: Accumulated Grand Total Sales, Activity Log or Transaction Log, Non-volatile memory, Data Retention, Reprint and Push Functionality and capable of producing E-Journal or Audit Journal, Sales Readings, Back-end Reports as well as a Verification Seal.
  • In order to make E-Receipt BIR the official receipt of transactions, all said machines must produce a statement on the tape receipt that says, “THIS IS NOT A SALES INVOICE/OFFICIAL RECEIPT. PLEASE REQUEST FROM SELLER YOUR SALES INVOICE/OFFICIAL RECEIPT”

To learn more about the specifics of RMO No. 24-2023 regarding E-Receipt BIR, refer here.

In order to become government compliant and produce E-Invoices and E-Receipt BIR, one must first be BIR CAS Registered. QNE offers assistance for those who will adopt QNE as their CAS. Get CAS Registered with QNE! Don’t miss out and become BIR-Compliant with QNE! Take your accounting to a whole new level and unleash the power of AI with QNE Cloud Accounting Software. Create your FREE Cloud Accounting Plan now!

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